What is tooth whitening?

Tooth whitening involves any method used to lighten the color of your teeth. Over time, stains can accumulate, teeth can darken, and the passage of time itself can contribute to this discoloration. Many people often ask how they can improve the appearance of their teeth and achieve the whiteness they remember. They may see others with white teeth and wonder how they can attain similar results.

Does teeth whitening damage your teeth?

A common misconception is that whitening damages your teeth. This is only true for certain types of whitening. Abrasive whitening methods that scrub the tooth surface with heavily abrasive particles can cause harm. However, chemical whitening, which does not use abrasives, is more beneficial. It employs chemical agents to break down and eliminate compounds that cause teeth to appear dark or yellow, allowing the natural whiteness of your teeth to emerge.

How do dentists whiten teeth?

Dentists use various processes to whiten teeth, primarily involving a type of bleach similar to hydrogen peroxide. This specially formulated bleach is safe for teeth and gums. It effectively removes yellow, dingy, and dark stains, allowing the natural beauty and brightness of your teeth to shine through.

Do LED teeth whitening lights work?

Among dental professionals, it is commonly understood that LED lights, often seen on social media and in advertisements, do not significantly enhance teeth whitening. The gel or chemical product applied to the teeth performs the actual whitening work, regardless of the presence of an LED light. Therefore, do not assume that a whitening product with a light is more effective, as this has not been proven to be the case.

What can go wrong with instant teeth whitening at home?

When purchasing teeth whitening products online, there are several risks. The source, concentration, and storage conditions of the product may be unknown, affecting its effectiveness. High-quality bleaching materials, such as those from a dentist's office, are more reliable and less likely to cause complications. Using products from untrustworthy sources can result in ineffective whitening or even harm to your gums and skin. It is essential to ensure the quality and safety of the product you use.

Can dentists whiten teeth permanently?

Permanent teeth whitening can be achieved by covering the teeth with crowns or veneers, which do not discolor. While repeated bleaching can be effective with custom-made trays, crowns or veneers provide a long-term solution for maintaining a consistent shade without frequent touch-ups.

Does teeth whitening have any side effects?

One of the most common side effects of teeth whitening is sensitivity, particularly to cold. Consistent whitening can cause discomfort when consuming cold items or even in cool weather. This sensitivity is temporary and does not indicate damage to the tooth surface. It is important to be prepared for this temporary sensitivity while enjoying the long-lasting whitening results.

Does whitening cause tooth sensitivity?

Teeth whitening does cause sensitivity in most cases. To minimize this, you can use desensitizing toothpaste and control the application time of the bleaching material. Sensitivity is a common side effect, but it is temporary, and the whitening results are typically worth the discomfort.

How can I best retain the results of teeth whitening treatment?

To maintain whitened teeth, avoid consuming dark-colored foods and beverages, especially shortly after whitening. Additionally, regular touch-up whitening treatments are essential. Using custom trays with gel can help maintain the desired shade. Monitor your teeth over time, and perform touch-ups as needed to keep your smile bright.

When can I schedule a teeth whitening appointment?

You can schedule a teeth whitening appointment during your regular dental visit or as a separate appointment. Contact our office to express your interest in teeth whitening. We sometimes offer promotions for new patients. Our team is happy to discuss your options and help you achieve a brighter, healthier smile. For personalized and effective whitening solutions, call us at 503-786-3000.

Why are healthy gums so important?

Healthy gums are important for various reasons. It may sound like a mundane topic, but consider this: our digestive system is often described as the gateway to our immune system, and there is much truth to that. Our mouth, including our teeth and gums, is the entry point to our digestive system. The health of our mouth affects how well we digest food, which in turn impacts our nutrition and our ability to fight disease, thus influencing our overall immune system. This is why gums are a significant part of our health evaluation and why we emphasize their importance.

How can I tell if my gums are healthy or unhealthy?

It is not always possible to determine the health of your gums by merely looking at them. In extreme cases, unhealthy gums may appear visibly problematic. However, gum disease often presents without symptoms or obvious warning signs. When you visit us, one of our key assessments is checking the health of your gums. We do this by recording specific measurements and examining the structure of your gums. Only after this evaluation can we accurately determine whether your gums are healthy or unhealthy.

What causes unhealthy gums?

Unhealthy gums can result from multiple factors. Poor oral hygiene is a common cause, but genetics also play a significant role. Some individuals do not brush or floss regularly yet still have healthy gums, while others maintain excellent oral hygiene and still experience gum problems. This variation is often due to individual biology and genetics. Therefore, if you struggle with gum health despite your best efforts, it might be due to your body's unique response to bacteria or other factors in your mouth.

Can unhealthy gums be fixed?

When patients learn they have gum problems, such as bone loss or loose teeth, they often think extraction is necessary. However, there are many ways to improve gum health and stabilize the bone around your teeth. Our goal is to ensure your teeth look good, function well, and last a long time. Various treatments can make your gums healthier and your teeth more stable. It's essential to diagnose the specific issues with your gums to determine the best course of action.

Why does it take more than one sitting for a dental cleaning?

If it has been years since your last dental cleaning, multiple layers of deposits may have accumulated on your teeth. These layers, consisting of calcium, bacteria, and food particles, become harder to remove over time. I often compare it to barnacles on the bottom of a boat; the longer the boat remains in the water, the thicker and more numerous the barnacles become. Similarly, substantial calcium deposits and bacteria on your teeth may require more than one cleaning session to remove. Regular maintenance prevents such heavy buildup, making subsequent cleanings quicker and easier.

Is deep dental cleaning painful?

Deep cleaning is necessary to combat gum disease, stop bone loss, and remove heavy deposits from your teeth. Patients often worry that this process will be painful. Without anesthesia, removing these deposits can be uncomfortable. However, we use numbing agents and anesthesia to ensure the procedure is as comfortable as possible while effectively cleaning your teeth and gums.

What are the best ways to take care of my gums at home after a deep cleaning?

After a deep cleaning, maintaining the results is crucial. Preventing soft deposits from building up on your teeth is key. Food particles attract bacteria, which can harden into calcium deposits over time. Regular brushing and flossing remove these particles before they harden, reducing the likelihood of needing another deep cleaning. This maintenance is your best defense against future gum problems.

At what point is gum grafting necessary?

Gum recession, where the gums pull away from the teeth, can expose the roots and cause bone loss, potentially leading to loose teeth. When recession progresses beyond a certain point, gum grafting may be necessary. This procedure involves adding gum tissue to cover the exposed areas, halting further recession and protecting the tooth structure. Gum grafting helps stabilize the gums and prevent additional damage.

How can I schedule a dental appointment?

If your gums are irritated, puffy, bleeding, or trapping food particles, it is time to schedule a dental appointment. Removing these deposits in a controlled manner will restore your gum health. Our goal is to ensure your teeth have a stable foundation, allowing you to smile with confidence. To achieve this, make an appointment with your local dentist.

If you or someone you know is experiencing gum issues, it is time to schedule an appointment. Let us evaluate and address any problems before they become emergencies. Once your gums are healthy, you can focus on other aspects of dental care, such as whitening or straightening your teeth. Contact us at 503-786-3000 to schedule your appointment.